Quality Assurance

- CEPS ensure the continued development of the quality system in all aspects of its activities.

- Within the teaching and scientific-research process CEPS will organize and carry out activities to ensure the quality of higher education, in accordance with the EHEA quality principles (European Higher Education Area -), ESG guidelines (European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance) and the applicable laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

- CEPS will fully take into account the guidelines for internal quality assurance, agreed at national or international level. The principles of the internal quality assurance must comply with the principles of institutional autonomy and provide the basis for real accountability of CEPS within the framework of national and international quality standards in higher education.

- CEPS adopts the procedures related to the quality assurance and standards regarding study courses and diplomas.

- CEPS develops and implements a strategy for continuous quality improvement.

- CEPS' Senate shall regularly review and revise its curricula and present an appropriate report.

- Quality assurance is carried out within each study programme and accompanied by participation of students.

- In order to ensure quality, the Senate, at least once in 4 (four) years, evaluates academic programmes in order to comply with the new scientific knowledge.

Suggestions and complaints

Please send us your suggestions or complaints to e-mail: kvalitet.visokaskola@gmail.com.

Students parlament

E-mail: sp-ceps@hotmail.com

College "Center for Business Studies" in Kiseljak, Josipa bana Jelačića bb, 71250 Kiseljak · 2021.