The law study

In a modern conditions of life its impossible to organize society and country without law dimension. Today, national, international and transnational law represent a complicated complex of knowledge that requires professionals who are able to deal with all the challenges of society and the profession. Today, without the help of law professionals, it is not possible to solve countless issues in the private and public law spheres in which legal relationships of varying degrees of complexity are encountered and clarified.

In the context of the self-analysis of the College "CEPS - Center for Business Studies" Kiseljak, a comparison was made with the curricula of law faculties of some developed European countries, especially German and English law faculties, but also law faculties of countries belonging to the Central European legal circle as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina (for example: Republic of Croatia, Czech Republic - Charles University in Prague, Poland - Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Hungary - Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest). This analysis showed that the program basically does not differ from the teaching regime at the law faculties in the mentioned countries.

This is supported by the forms of the teaching process: lectures, exercises, presentations, discussions, seminars and court practice, as well as the breadth and comprehensiveness of the curriculum.

The need for the consolidation of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state rule of law that organizes its administration according to the principles of the rule of law, the ever-increasing need for more competent professional personnel in the Bosnian judiciary, and above all the needs of the internal Bosnian market, which rests on an increasingly complex and broader legal regulation that national law opens up globalization and Europeanization opens up and expands the possibilities of legal academic education and meeting all the needs of the labor market.

The general law

The CEPS College in Kiseljak, in accordance with the Law on Higher Education of the Central Bosnian Canton, organizes and conducts undergraduate courses for the acquisition of professional qualifications in legal sciences. Classes are conducted according to the established curriculum and curriculum harmonized according to the Framework Law on Higher Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bologna Declaration.

The curriculum contains general, professional and elective subjects. General and professional courses are compulsory, and elective courses become compulsory after the students choose them.The study of general law provides quality general education, as well as a wide range of professions.

In addition to traditional legal professions, such as judge, prosecutor, lawyer, notary, attorney, etc., there are also various other professions in the business world, political life, international organizations, civil organizations, education and science, etc. that a lawyer can performs.

Title obtained after graduation

• Baccalaureate/Bachelor of general law - 180 ECTS
• Baccalaureate/Bachelor of general law - 240 ECTS

Professional titles will be harmonized with the Law on Professional Titles after its adoption.

College "Center for Business Studies" in Kiseljak, Josipa bana Jelačića bb, 71250 Kiseljak · 2021.