Health studies

The contemporary development of science and its contributing disciplines, modern technology, growing number of inhabitants in cities and general migrations of people had significantly affected the way of life of a modern man. The tasks presented at the individuals, families and communities in general affect the health and health conditions as well as the health system. The transitions years of the third century enlisted chronical, non-infectious diseases, malign diseases, traumatism as the most occurring health conditions. However, a certain increase in infectious diseases has been noticed. New technological standards had been introduced in the processes of treating patients and nursing. It has been proven that the use of technology, both with medicaments leads to dehumanization, which is a deeply incorporated factor in developed countries healthcare systems.

In the last decades, as a counterbalance, The World Health Organization started a movement directed to health and its improvement. The main aims of the “Health for All” project are improving and maintain health throughout knowledge, free decision-making and responsibility, together with ensuring high quality of living in health and sickness (WHO – European Health 21 – WHO Regional Committee for Europe, Copenhagen, 1998.). One of the most important recommendations of WHO is implementation Of Aim 18- The Development of Human Resources in Healthcare. All European Union member states need to ensure that all health workers, both in healthcare system and its contributing fields, have the adequate knowledge, perspectives and abilities with the aim of preserving and improving health.

By mastering the curriculum in Nursing, Sanitary engineering, Physiotherapy and Geriatric Studies, the students will acquire both the respected knowledge in the theoretical parts of the subjects, and the specific skills and expertise in practical and operational application of the awarded professional qualifications.


Nursing Studies enables students to gain skills and expertise related to the procedures, triage and health care in general medicine, neurology, infectology, dermovenerology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, neonatology, pediatric, oncology, emergency medicine and with life-threatening patients, treatment of patients in early rehabilitation in clinical and community practice; psychiatry patients and behavior disorders, promoting mental health in the community; general healthcare and nursing evaluation and diagnosis in general medicine, palliative care and a multidisciplinary approach in treating elderly generation.

Sanitary Engineering

Sanitary Engineering Studies award competences and skills for implementing: legislative regulations, EU regulations and ISO standards applying in sanitary health system; the principles of inspections, social and medical aspects of health and disease, sanitary inspection of medical and other institutions; reinforcing public health systems in communities; individually solving ecological problems of urban environment, environment risks, working-environment conditions, hygienic and sanitary control of production and distribution of food supplies, drinking water, up-to-date methods of collecting and transporting waste, wastewater, monitoring the air quality; working with molecular- biotechnological methods, identification of microorganisms; and a general multidisciplinary approach of preserving the health of people based on presented results.


Physiotherapy Studies offer the competences and skills of procedure and applying of: physical medicine, rehabilitation and kinesiology, physical modalities in early and rehabilitation in clinical and communities practices; rheumatology diseases, technics in pulmonology and cardiology diseases; contraindications related to physiotherapy; neurological and dermatological propaedeutic; neurological rehabilitations; child supervision and nursing in health and sickness; applying different procedures of habilitation or rehabilitation; occupational therapy, psychiatry patients and behavior disorders, promoting mental health in the community, active assisting during diagnostical, therapeutical, orthopedical and trauma procedures; applying orthopedic prosthetic equipment, exercises in disabled patients, and functional evaluation after physiotherapeutical treatments.

Geriatric Studies

Geriatric Studies course awards competences and skills in examination, diagnosing, and treating of senior individuals with emphasis on the importance of approach to the senior patient, as well as triage of patients in hospital conditions or institutions that offer care for senior citizens. Skills acquired in this course relate to the field of preventive medical measures, measures of early rehabilitation and detection of the most common diseases and heath conditions in this age group. During Geriatric Studies, students acquire the knowledge in pathogenesis, clinical condition and therapies of the prevalent diseases and conditions occurring in this population, with emphasizing the specific attributes of this age group compared to the active working- population. Priority is also given to the importance of preventive medical measures and detection of the most common diseases that are implemented in eldercare. During the course, students acquire skills in the process of nursing, from approaching the senior patient, triage, to the planning of medical care in hospital conditions or institutions for eldercare. Students also gain skills in the field of preventive medical measurements, ways of early rehabilitation and the methods of detection of the most common diseases and health conditions of this age group. The basic principles of Geriatric Studies are acknowledging the latest medical issues in geriatric population with emphasis to the most prevalent differences in clinical manifestation, diagnostics, treating the disease and conditions. Interactive methods of education in forms of workshops and diagnostical and treatment evaluations based on presented cases, and case studies.

Qualifications awarded:

• Bachelor Degree/ Bachelor of Geriatrics - 180 ECTS
• Bachelor Degree/ Bachelor of Geriatrics - 240 ECTS

• Bachelor Degree/ Bachelor of Nursing - 180 ECTS
• Bachelor Degree/ Bachelor of Nursing - 240 ECTS

• Bachelor Degree/ Bachelor of Sanitary Engineering- 180 ECTS
• Bachelor Degree/ Bachelor of Sanitary Engineering - 240 ECTS

• Bachelor Degree/ Bachelor of Physiotherapy - 180 ECTS
• Bachelor Degree/ Bachelor of Physiotherapy - 240 ECTS

Degree titles will be in accordance with the Law after entering into force.

College "Center for Business Studies" in Kiseljak, Josipa bana Jelačića bb, 71250 Kiseljak · 2021.