CEPS – ALERRT CENTER (Texas State University)

University College "CEPS – Center for Business Studies" Kiseljak has, based on a signed cooperation agreement with the Alerrt Center - Texas State University (United States), jointly launched specialized training programs for law enforcement officers officers and law enforcement agencies.

The goal of the course is to provide law enforcement professionals nationwide with a simple, standard set of skills enabling them to save as many lives as possible when responding to an active shooter incident, either alone or as part of a small ad hoc team.

Through this program, participants will also acquire the skills needed to provide emergency medical aid at the attack site. They can then quickly and safely move critically injured victims to a location where EMS* personnel can provide advanced medical care and transportation to a trauma center without delay. (*EMS personnel refers to "Emergency Medical Services" staff, including paramedics, ambulance crews, and other healthcare professionals trained to provide emergency medical assistance. Their role involves rapid response to emergencies, administering first aid, stabilizing patients, and transporting them to hospitals or medical centers for further treatment.).

For the first time in Europe, the first training session was held in November 2024 in Kiseljak (https://www.klix.ba/biznis/ceps-kiseljak-i-texas-state-university-zapoceli-obuku-policijskih-sluzbenika-aktivni-naoruzani-napadac/241118127).

The training was attended by employees of police agencies, including the Sarajevo Canton Police Administration, the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Central Bosnia Canton, and the Tuzla Canton Police Administration.

NOTE: The training program is recognized and incorporated into the FBI's (Federal Bureau of Investigation) training and has been acknowledged by the United States Congress. To date, the program has been completed by over one million participants and users.

College "Center for Business Studies" in Kiseljak, Josipa bana Jelačića bb, 71250 Kiseljak · 2021.