Teaching staff from College "CEPS - Center for Business Studies" visited the higher education instit

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Published on 29.3.2017. u 12:06h

From 02.02.2017 - 11.02.2017. teachers from college "CEPS - Center for Business Studies" visited the higher education institution "IES Politecnico de Vigo" in Vigo (Spain). On this occasion  working meetings and lectures of teachers with both higher education institutions were held.

Director of college "CEPS - Center for Business Studies" Mirzo Selimić signed an international cooperation agreement with the director of "IES Politecnico de Vigo" Jose Eluogio Santon Leite, with the aim of joint academic and business cooperation.


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College "Center for Business Studies" in Kiseljak, Josipa bana Jelačića bb, 71250 Kiseljak · 2021.