✓ Business Economy ✓ Traffic Engineering ✓ Energetics ✓ Safety ✓ Security studies
Published on 8.10.2018. u 15:21h

Dear students,

Based on the obtained ERASMUS + project, for students of generation 2017/2018 Business Economics (students who will attend the second year of study in this academic year) and students from generation 2016/2017 Traffic (students who will attend the third year of study  of a four-year program in this academic year), we enabled a study visit to Spain, in the region of Galicia for the period of 3 months, starting from November 1st 2018 until February 1st 2019.


- Knowledge of English in spoken and written form

- Possession of a biometric passport with minimum validity up to 05.05.2019. 

All registered students will be ranked on the basis of previous success in education, or on the basis of the realized grade average.

Deadline for application: 07.10.2018

Students can apply by e-mail: 

Number of places is limited.

Web address of the institution where the lectures will be held:

After signing up, for students and interested parties a detailed presentation will be held where they will be introduced with the information necessary for travel and stay in Spain.


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College "Center for Business Studies" in Kiseljak, Josipa bana Jelačića bb, 71250 Kiseljak · 2021.