✓ Business Economy ✓ Traffic Engineering ✓ Energetics ✓ Safety ✓ Security studies
Published on 29.5.2023. u 09:34h

In the organization of the College "CEPS-Center for Business Studies" Kiseljak, and in cooperation with the Red Cross of the municipality of Kiseljak, more specifically the Youth First Aid Team of the Red Cross of the municipality of Kiseljak, today, in the cabinet of health studies, an exercise was held on the topic "Basics of providing first aid" for students of the Health Studies study program. 

On behalf of the organizers, Pred. VŠ Mateo Vukoja, giving words of welcome as well as the purpose of holding the exercise on the mentioned topic and the importance of knowing how to provide first aid in everyday life situations. 

The theoretical and practical part of the exercise was presented by representatives of the Kiseljak Municipality Red Cross and the Youth First Aid Team, where the students, after listening to the theory and especially direct participation in the practical part, mastered the basics of providing first aid in various unforeseen life circumstances and life-threatening situations. 

"Connecting with the Red Cross of the Kiseljak municipality to our mutual satisfaction, with the existing infrastructure and the vision of our teaching staff, we will surely raise the quality of education in the study program of Health Studies for the benefit of current and future students and the entire academic community," said doc. dr. Mirzo Selimić, director of the University College.


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College "Center for Business Studies" in Kiseljak, Josipa bana Jelačića bb, 71250 Kiseljak · 2021.