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Published on 14.9.2024. u 10:10h

The University College „CEPS-Center for Business Studies“ in Kiseljak, as a partner in the 1FUTURE project, is entering its second year. This capacity-building initiative, co-funded by the European Commission, focuses on addressing climate change and sustainability issues in the Western Balkans by integrating the goals of the Green Deal into higher education systems. The project's aim is to strengthen regional capacities by helping higher education institutions adopt holistic approaches to environmental protection, climate resilience, and sustainable development.

One of the key focuses of the project is the development of infrastructure within Work Package 3. This includes the procurement of equipment, as well as the establishment of a workspace for the Knowledge Hub for Climate and Sustainability (KHCS). Various aspects, such as research needs, virtual mobility, and library development, have been taken into account to ensure that the infrastructure supports academic and practical climate initiatives.

In order to develop the library within KHCS, project partners from the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi Sad, the University of Albania, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, and Università Iuav in Venice have generously donated books on climate change, sustainability, spatial planning, and risk management, thereby enriching the academic resources of our institution.

This is particularly significant as we recently celebrated International Literacy Day, reaffirming our commitment to sharing knowledge and educational development.

The University College CEPS looks forward to new activities within the 1FUTURE project and remains dedicated to promoting sustainable practices in education and beyond.


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College "Center for Business Studies" in Kiseljak, Josipa bana Jelačića bb, 71250 Kiseljak · 2021.